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მესმა, უფალო, გ ა ნ გ ე ბ ა საიდუმლოთა შენთა   

გამოუთქმელთა, განვიცადეთ საქმენი შენნი,

და აღვიარე მე ღვთაება შენი. 


ახალი პროდუქტები



გთავაზობთ მკურნალობის

უნიკალურ მეთოდს,

რომელიც დაფუძნებულია

უძველეს ცოდნაზე



The president of the USA is aware of our every action. Now we decide to publish the announced secret letters.



Letter I


“ Gonioni” - the Ideological Community

The Creator and Builder of the Spiritual Knowledge Temple 


Date: 2019 year, spring


To the President of the United States of America - Donald Trump


The Letter of offer


“Medeiona”, the medical center of harmonious development and healthful lifestyle monkish organization, based on spiritual knowledge was established by the orthodox monks in Georgia.  We offer ancient medical experience with the benefit of the natural Caucasian herbal resources for the rehabilitation of NATO soldiers and staff.  We mean to offer you some areas of safe and ecologically balanced environment, where sanatoriums or rehabilitation centers could be built.


Should you get interested in - the details of the project will be revealed later stepwise. We would like to offer our support to the missionary activities of the USA.


We are well aware that you are a very busy person and would like to have contact with your designated person who will review all the pros and cons of the detailed project.  Your orders and decisions will be executed without hesitation.


“Medeiona” - Medical center’s preceptor Giorgi Ionta Iberioni

Civil name - Giorgi Maziashvili (birth data: 12/27/1961, Tbilisi, Georgia)

Date: Spring of 2019



Letter II


“ Gonioni” - the Ideological Community

The Creator and Builder of the Spiritual Knowledge Temple 


Date: 2019 year, spring


To the President of the United States of America - Donald Trump


The Letter of offer




Dear Mr. President,


I would like to share my opinion and inform you, why I should like to establish a rehabilitation center in Georgia.


First of all, you may know that Georgia is a Christian country under protection of the Virgin Mary. Georgian people are very hospitable and generous and progressive thinking nation strongly support NATO principles and appreciate the idea of NATO peacekeeping soldiers nursing care - rehabilitation service.


As it stands, our country is situated in perfect climatic conditions, oasis between the Black and Caspian seas and between the Greater and Lesser Caucasus, Georgia is a preferred choice for the chief commanders of NATO and their families.


I would like to tell you very strange but understandable information: the number of Georgian mineral waters according to Matrix calculation is 144 and each serves 12×12 =144 units, “Matrix Dress” is knitted with luminous 144-month Jupiter rays. You might be interested to know that each spring water is connected to cosmic alchemical binding and has its essential healing model. Properly selected spring water can rapidly heal a patient.


There is a variety of air flows in the Caucasus region. I would like to inform you that there are 32 types of wind and 26 640 types of breeze in Georgia.

The diverse Georgian nature creates favorable conditions for vegetation: 59% of plants are used in Georgian medicine – named in honor of Medea, secrets of which are widely accepted from the Caucasus to the Himalayas. The nature of Georgia creates ideal conditions for homeopathic therapy.


Mr. President, the elite core of Georgian thinkers recognizes you as an advocate of political truth and protector of state secrets. I include so much detail taking into consideration your intelligence.


Hopefully after your deep consideration, the rehabilitation center will be established.


God bless you on the way to enlightenment aim!


Yours Faithfully,

“Medeiona”- Medical center’s preceptor Giorgi Ionta Iberioni

Date: Spring of 2019




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