The following exercise is very important for acquiring the consciousness of the invincibility of the “I” and its superiority over all elements. Go into the state of meditation and imagine the “I” as having left the body, look at how it passes through the test of air, fire and water without any harm to itself.
When the body is eliminated, then nothing interferes with the soul and it hovers freely in the air - soars like a bird or wanders through the etheric space. With your inner consciousness you can see how she calmly and without any harm passes through the fire, without even feeling it, because the elements of fire can only affect the physical body, and not the real “I”. Similarly, you can imagine how the soul passes through the water without experiencing danger and harm.
This feeling will soon give you a sense of superiority and power and will tell you something more about the nature of the “I”. It is true that as long as you are enclosed in the body, the elements can harm the body, but the knowledge that the true “I” is higher than the body and the elements, and the “I” cannot be harmed, it cannot be killed, is surprisingly conducive to the development of a full consciousness of the “I”. For you are not the body, you are the true Self-invincible and immortal. When you come to a clear consciousness and a sense of this fact, you feel an extraordinary surge of strength and power that cannot be described.
All fear falls away from you like a worn-out garment and you feel as if you have been reborn. Understanding this will show that everything that you are afraid you can not cause any harm to your true “I”, and only occasionally harm your physical body. All dangers can be removed even from the physical body, by the correct understanding and application of the will.
Next, we will explain to the readers how to separate the “I” from the mechanism of the mind and be convinced of the dominance of higher consciousness over the mind, just as we are aware of our power over the body and independence from it.
This knowledge must be grasped gradually, as it is necessary to firmly place your foot on the step before taking the next step.
After the consciousness of the true "I", independent of the body, as an invincible being, fearing neither harm nor death and seeing itself as a great center of consciousness - like the sun around which the world revolves, a new force comes to a person, a feeling of calmness, which will obvious, since he will be able to look at the world around him without fear. Knowing that he is the center of power and influence, nothing can damage his “I” and will realize that no matter what storms of life break out over his personality, his individuality will not suffer from them.
Like a rock, he will stand calmly and motionless, no matter what storms rage around. This is how the true "I" stands unshakably among all the storms – exciting and confusing a person. As a person clearly realizes the true nature of his I", he becomes more and more able to control these storms and tame them.
According to the sages, “I” is eternal, it passes through fire, air and water without harm, the sword can neither kill nor hurt, it cannot die, all the trials of physical life for it are only dreams. Deeper into the consciousness of his “I”, a person can calmly smile at all the greatest misfortunes that life can bring him and by raising his hand, he can order them to return to the darkness from which they came out.
Great is the happiness of the one who can say “I” with full understanding. We highly recommend that readers master the first lessons. Don not be discouraged if success is slow to come. Do not be discouraged if you accidentally step back, next time you will take two steps forward. If desired, success and achievement will be yours and achieve everything you want to achieve, and accomplish everything you want to accomplish. May peace be with you and do not forget:
“I” - is the center around which my world revolves.
“I” - is the center of influence and power.
“I” - is the center of thought and consciousness.
“I” - does not depend on the body.
“I” - is immortal and indestructible.
“I” - is invincible, and nothing can harm me.
To be continued…