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We offer the unique

therapy adapted from

the ancient knowledge

and methodized

by the monk

Georgi Ionta Hyperioni

The Ancient Teachings of the Caucasian Sages

School of Creation of the Narts

Internal Recess



People striving for initiation into the science called “Rulilulvis” turn to their teachers - sages for guidance. They are taught a number of lessons, the purpose of which is to enlighten in the true human essence and convey a part of the secret knowledge, with the help of which they can develop in themselves the consciousness of their real “I”. In addition, they are explained how they can change erroneous or imperfect knowledge about themselves.


Until the aspirant to enlightenment has mastered this initial knowledge, or at least until this truth is imprinted in his consciousness, no further information is given. Sages argue that before a person awakens, he is not aware of his real essence and is not able to understand the source of his powers or feel the action of that Will in himself, the strength of which lies at the basis of everything that Rulilulvis teaches.


While teaching wisdom teachers were unhappy if aspirants to initiation were only intellectually interpreting their true nature; they insisted that the students feel the true concept and, having realized their true “I”, would enter a state of consciousness in which the feeling of reality “I” is a constant and continuous feeling - the prevailing idea around which all thoughts and actions revolve.


For some people who study Rulilulvis, the consciousness of their true “I” comes like a flash of lightning, at the moment when attention is directed to this idea with particular intensity. Others need to go through a long and arduous course of inner training before they can acquire this consciousness.


The sages said that there are two stages in awakening the consciousness of the real essence of man. The first stage is called " Self-consciousness”, it is the full consciousness of real existence that comes to the disciple and makes him understand that he is a real living being who does not depend on the body, and life will last despite the destruction of the body. The second stage, which is called the “I am" consciousness, is the consciousness of unity with the world life, the feeling of kinship and constant contact with all life - expressed and unexpressed. These two stages of “I” consciousness come to all who seek the “path”, to some suddenly, to others it appears little by little, like the light of dawn, to very many it comes with the help of the exercises “Rulilulvis".


The first thing that the sages taught their disciples leading to the first stage of initiation was the following: the supreme intelligence of the universe - the Absolute, manifested in a being called man, which is - His highest manifestation on our planet. In general, the Absolute manifests itself in an infinite number of forms in the universe, including separate worlds, suns, planets, etc. Many of these life forms are completely unknown to us on planet Earth, and the mind of an ordinary person cannot even imagine them. At first, we will not say anything about these forms of life that are inconceivable for humans. Let us start with the disclosure of the true nature and powers of man. Before a student tries to uncover the secrets of the outer universe, he must improve his inner world - the kingdom of his true essence, and only then can he go further in order to acquire “outer knowledge”. But a person should seek this knowledge not as a slave asking for crumbs from the table of knowledge, but as a master, who requires nature to reveal its secrets. Therefore, the first knowledge of self-knowledge, i.e. knowing your essence is very important.


Man is the highest manifestation of the Absolute on our planet, a wonderfully arranged being, although usually we do not understand much of its real nature. It includes the physical and spiritual worlds, everything from the highest to the lowest, and is a mineral form of life, since in its bones, body and blood, mineral substances exist in an almost unchanged form. The physical life of the body is like the life of plants. Many of the physical desires and emotions are related to the desires and emotions of animals, and in an undeveloped person these qualities prevail over the higher nature and overpower it so much that they often become invisible. Although a person also possesses those properties that belong exclusively to him and that animals do not.


In addition to the spiritual abilities that are common to all people, there are also higher, latent abilities that are manifested only in a few. Manifesting, these latent abilities make a person more than a person. The development and disclosure of hidden abilities is possible for everyone who has reached a certain stage of development. The desire for knowledge or intellectual hunger is very often the opening of these abilities, seeking to enter consciousness. And besides, a person has an amazing ability, called will, which is very poorly understood by people who are not familiar with the philosophy of sages - this is the power of “I” - the legacy received from the Absolute at birth. But all these mental and physical properties belonging to man do not constitute him. Before a man can possess, control, and regulate the things that belong to him, he must awaken to the consciousness of himself, for without knowing himself, he cannot know his tools. He must be able to distinguish between "I" and "Not-I" and this is the first task that is set before a person striving for initiation. The true “I” of man is the Divine spark sent from the sacred flame. This is a child of the Divine Parent, who is immortal, eternal, indestructible, invincible and possesses strength, wisdom and reality. But like a child who contains a future person in itself, the mind of a person does not know about its hidden and potential properties, does not know itself. Awakening and opening to the knowledge of his true nature, he manifests these qualities and realizes - that he was given by the Absolute. When the true “I” begins to awaken, it separates from itself things that are only its attributes, which in a semi-awakened state it considered as its “I”. Throwing away first the first, then the other, he gradually separates from himself all “Not-I”, leaving the true “I” free from all its chains and attributes belonging to it, and then returns to the discarded one and begins to use them as things belonging to him, but not constituting himself.


Considering the question: what is the true “I”, first it is necessary to consider what a person usually means when he says “I”.



To be continued...









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