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Georgi Ionta Hyperioni








REGISTERED – 6.03.1992


Name of the Public Association –


- the founder and builder of the Temple of Spiritual Knowledge.


The Management Body – the Board of the Public Association:

 Ap. №98, bld. 12, IV housing estate, Didi Digomi district, Tbilisi.


The objective: Enlightenment.


The Minister of Justice of Georgia


By Decision № 8/22

as of 6.03.1992

Of the Board of the Ministry of Justice


Gonioni” the Founder and Builder of the Temple of Spiritual Knowledge.




1. General Provisions

 1. “Gonioni” shall be a voluntary Public Association aiming at serving the ideals of the Truth, God and Nation.

The Association shall conduct its activities in accordance with the Laws of Georgia and its own Regulations.




The objective of “Gonioni” Association shall be pursuance of the planned educational activities. The members of “Gonioni” shall study the history of the nation, spiritual knowledge in various historical periods and contribute to the development of the younger generation. The Association shall also carry out economic activities.


2. Legal Status of the Association:


2.1 The Association shall be an independent legal entity and have its own bank account, stamp, corporate seal, emblem and flag;


2.2 In accordance with the applicable laws, the Association shall have the right to:

- establish direct relations with interested organizations or individuals in and outside Georgia and sign the relevant agreements;

- for the purpose of strengthening international relations, send its representatives abroad and receive the interested persons from abroad.

-   establish branches in and outside Georgia.


3. Members of the Association:

3.1 A person, residing in Georgia or abroad, irrespective of one’s sex, nationality, religion or social status, who recognizes the regulations and objectives of the Association shall become a member thereof.


3.2 A member of the Association shall be entitled to:

-raising a question, making proposals and suggesting projects;

-receiving the relevant information and tasks from  the Board, taking part in any activity of the Association,  the consultative vote in the decision-making;

-withdrawal from the Association.


3.3 The Board of the Association shall elect the nominated honorary members, who shall not be obliged to pay the membership fee.


4.Obligations of Members 

The Member of the Association shall be obliged to:


4.1 observe the regulations of the Association and take part in the implementation of its program;


4.2 pay the monthly fee determined by the Board;


4.3 by the decision of the Board, a member breaching the regulations thereof may be expelled from the Association.


5. Structure of the Association:

5.1 The management bodies of the Association shall be: the Assembly, the Board and regional branches thereof;


5.2  The Assembly:

The Assembly, the supreme body of the Association shall convene once a year on the foundation day thereof;


The Assembly shall be entitled to a resolution if attended by two-thirds of the total number of its members. A resolution shall be deemed adopted if approved by majority vote. The Assembly shall consider the regulations and approve them, settle controversial issues.


The Assembly shall elect the Angon (President), the Gebagon (Vice-President) and the Board.


The Assembly shall have the right to their pre-term dismissal;


Two-thirds of the Board members may convoke an extraordinary meeting of the Assembly.


6. Board of the Association:


6.1 The Board of the Association shall act on behalf of the Assembly, direct the activities between the meetings, implement resolutions and be accountable to sit;


6.2 The Board shall elect the Secretary, Treasurer, editor of the periodical and a person in charge of the facilities;


6.3 The Board shall dispose of the finances of the Association;


6.4 The Board of the Association shall assemble twice a month and for the purpose of establishment of relations shall envoy delegates to any State etc. organizations.


7. Regional Branches of the Association

7.1 Regional branches of the Association shall fulfill the resolutions of the Board and Assembly meetings;


7.2 Under this Charter, all the management bodies of the Association shall be elected for the term of one year.


8. The Angon

8.1 The Assembly shall elect Angon, a member of the Board for the term of one year;


8.2 Along with the Board, the Angon shall draw up an action plan of the Association, convoke regular and extraordinary meetings, preside at the meetings of the Board and supervise the fulfillment of the resolutions. The Angon shall represent the Association  in its relations with the other organizations;


8.3 In the absence of Angon, the Gebagon shall deputize for him.


9. Inspection Committee of the Association

(Control Group)


9.1 The Assembly and the Board shall determine the number of members of the Control Group. Once a year, The Control Group shall inspect the activities of the Association bodies and report to the Assembly.


10. Finances and Property of the Association


The finances of the Association shall be made up of:

- Association membership fees, revenues from the publications, lectures, etc. and, also donations.

- The Association and its enterprises shall make the Budget payments according to the applicable laws of Georgia.

- Monetary etc. resources shall be spent by the relevant resolution of Angon.


11. Reorganization and Liquidation of the Association


11.1 The effective term of the Association shall be unlimited.


11.2 The Association shall be liquidated by the two-thirds majority vote of the Assembly. The Liquidating Committee, appointed by the Association shall distribute the real and movable property of the Association in accordance with the applicable laws.


11.3 The powers of the Association bodies shall be deemed decommissioned from the date of appointment of the Liquidating Committee.


 12. The Seat of the Association

The Seat of the Association shall be Mt. Sakomari, central Georgia, while the registered offices of the Board shall be in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia.


The Charter was approved by the Constituent Assembly of the Association on February 8, 1992.


The commemoration day of St. David Agmashenebeli.








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