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We offer the unique

therapy adapted from

the ancient knowledge

and methodized

by the monk

Georgi Ionta Hyperioni

Mental training and exercise



Before we can get the mind to do the right work for us, we must “tame” it and make it obey the will of the "I". The mind is usually allowed to remain in a primitive state and to follow its own will and desires without being subject to anything else. Like a spoiled child or a badly trained (stabled) horse, he is constantly getting into this or that trouble and gives his owner little pleasure, benefit and convenience. The minds of many of us are like menageries filled with wild animals, each following its own inclinations and striving in its own way. We do indeed contain a whole menagerie of tigers, monkeys, peacocks, donkeys, geese, sheep, and other animals and let these animals control us. Even our intellect is prone to delusions, unstable, unfaithful and fickle. Look around you, people who have achieved something significant in life-have trained their minds to obey. They established the power of their will over the mind, and thus gained power and strength. The mind is usually irritated when the will begins to limit it, but it must be learned if it is to work well.


You need to train it if you want to benefit from it and hope to own it, instead of allowing it to your own.


The first thing to learn in Rulilulvis is to control the mind. People who hope to achieve mastery and power will be disappointed, because there is only one way, namely, to assert the mastery and power of the will over the mind. Otherwise, he will leave you at the time when you most need him. We will show you how to do a few exercises that will help you turn your mind away from the outside world and make it turn inside itself or to its inner nature.



Exercise – 1



1. Take a comfortable position and free yourself as much as possible from external disturbing influences. Do not make a great effort to control the mind, rather let it wander for some time and use up the reserve of its tension. At first, it will rush to the sides, until finally it calms down and begins to obey your instructions. It may take a considerable amount of time to rein it in at first, but with each successive attempt, you will achieve it faster and faster. The acquisition of this mental peace and quiet should be considered a good reward.


2. When the mind is completely calm, mentally focus on the thought "I am". Imagine the “I” as a being independent of the body, immortal, invulnerable, real. Then think of the “I” as independent of the body and be able to exist without its body covering. Think about this for some time and gradually direct your thought to the perception of the idea of the “I” as independent of the mind, as something higher than the mind and able to control the mind. Go through all the above with your mental eyes and you will realize that your mind will become more and more calm, and the distracting thoughts of the outside world will move further and further away from you.


3. Then direct your mind to the idea of the oneness of everything and the relation of the "I" to the One Life, Power, Mind and Being. You will see that you are gaining control of your mind and calmness that you have never seen before.


4. The following is the most difficult of all the types and degrees of exercises, but the ability to do it will come gradually. It is necessary to eliminate all thought and idea about the external world, about the body and the thoughts themselves, concentrating and plunging into thinking about the idea “I am.” The goal is for you to focus your mind on the idea of being symbolized by words “I am”, not that "I am this" or "I am that" or "I do this" or "I think that", but simply “I am”. This exercise will focus attention on the very center of being within a person and bring together all his mental energies, instead of allowing them to be scattered on the things of the outside world. This will be followed by a sense of peace, strength, and power, because the underlying thought "I am" – the most powerful and strong, that can be created, because it expresses the actual being and the turning of thought inward to this truth. Let the mind first hold on to the word "I", identifying it with its essence, and then let it move on to the word "is", which means reality or being. Then combine the two words, taking their common meaning, and the result is the most powerful means of turning the concentrated thought inward, as well as the most powerful affirmation of existence. It is useful to take a comfortable and free physical position during these exercises to prevent the body from distracting attention. To do this, you should take a free position, relax the muscles and dissolve all the nerves so that you feel light, completely comfortable and without tension. Practice until you are fully able to accept this state. Besides facilitating concentration and reflection, the same will act as a rest cure for the tired body, nerves and mind.






The second step in Rulilulvis is concentration. This is the most important thing for bringing the mental forces into focus. The ability to focus can be developed to an incredible degree, but it requires a lot of work, time and patience. It consists in the fact that all the power of the mind turns on a certain object and stays on it for a while. At first glance, this seems very easy, but a little practice will convince you how difficult it is to firmly establish the attention and keep it in the desired position.


Attention tends to wobble and move to other subjects or topics, and it takes a lot of practice to keep it at the desired point. But practice does wonders. However, we must remember this: many people, having achieved the ability to focus their attention, allow it to become involuntary, and then they become its slaves, forgetting themselves and everything else and often missing the necessary things.


This is an extremely inept form of concentration and people who are devoted to it become slaves to their habits instead of becoming masters of their minds. They become dreamers and absent-minded people. They are just as deplorable as those who cannot concentrate at all. The whole secret lies in the mastery of the mind and the ability to control it. Having achieved this, you will be able to go completely into the subject at will, extracting from it everything that is interesting in it, and take your mind away when you want. You will always be attentive to everything, subtle observers, thinking clearly and reasoning correctly.


The following exercises will help you with your first attempts at concentration:

 1. Focus your attention on a familiar object. Keep your mind on it and consider, removing everything else from your attention. Consider the size of the object, the color, the shape, the structure, the use, the purpose, the components, the process of its preparation, etc. In short, think about the object as much as possible, allowing the mind to follow all the lines coming from the object, for example, if the object is wooden, think about the forest from which the tree was taken for its preparation, think about its history and other similar objects. In short, how can you completely exhaust the topic of the subject? You can even make a plan by thinking about the thing: the thing itself, its place of origin, destination, or urpose, the stuff associated with it, its likely end, etc. These mental exercises are similar to the process of developing muscles and will help develop your will and concentration.

 2. Focus your attention on some part of your body, such as your hand, and by focusing all your attention on it, eliminate or retain all the sensations perceived by the rest of your body. A little practice will help you do this. In addition to influencing the mind, this exercise will increase the activity of the part of the body on which you focus, for reasons that will be discussed later. Change the parts of the body, and thus give the mind more variety for concentration, and the body the benefit of general excitement.

 3.  These exercises can be extended to all the objects around you, but always remember that the thing itself does not matter, that the purpose of everything is to teach the mind to obey the will so that when you really want to use your mental powers, you can find them well trained and obedient. Do not be tempted to neglect this part of the work, as it leads to things of the highest interest and opens the door to exciting possibilities.

 4. Practice focusing on abstract topics, i.e. topics of interest to mental research. Go through the questions in all phases and forms, following one path and then another, until you feel that you know everything that your mind can know about this question. You will be surprised when you see how much more you know about a thing than you previously thought. In the hidden corners of your mind, you will find some useful or interesting information about this subject, and when you have completely finished your research, you will feel well informed about everything related to it.


This exercise will not only help you develop your intellectual powers, but will strengthen your memory, expand your mind, and give you more self-confidence.



To be continued…




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