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We offer the unique

therapy adapted from

the ancient knowledge

and methodized

by the monk

Georgi Ionta Hyperioni


You are in touch with all life, and the distance of your “I” from the great world “I” is only apparent and temporary. We will talk about this later, when you have fully assimilated the idea of Self-consciousness in yourself. Do not treat this with irony and do not consider the repetition unnecessary, since we are pointing you to the truth. Try to follow the instructions of the spirit, who even now, reading this, is trying to guide you on the path of achievement. Think about all this and practice in mental training until your mind fully grasps this teaching, then try to understand it to the very depths of your consciousness. Then you will be ready for further perception.


Having assimilated the reality of the "I" and the relativity of the "not-I", you will feel that you have gained the ability to use your mind with much greater power and will be able to achieve greater results in the work of owning this tool. You will be able to control your moods and emotions and move from the position of a slave to the position of a master.


Compared to the truth, these words seem meager and powerless. But who can find words to express the inexpressible? All we can do is arouse your interest in the Truth, and the truth will not be true for you until you prove it with your own experience, and when you prove it, it will be impossible to take it away from you and no arguments will prove to you that it does not exist...


In every mental effort, you stand... i.e. you prevail over the "I”. You make the mind work and it obeys your will. You are the master, not the slave of your mind, which you lead. Shake off the tyranny of your mind that has crushed you for so long, establish yourself in your understanding of yourself, and be free! We will help you, but first, analyze all of the above and become the master of your mind.

Declare your mental independence from moods, emotions, uncontrolled thoughts, and assert your power over them. Enter your kingdom and remember that you are a manifestation of the spirit.


We often assume that the mind is our master, we allow ourselves to be excruciated and tormented by “involuntary thoughts”. Initiates are free from these anxieties, because they know how to establish their dominance over various parts of their minds, to control and direct mental processes exactly in the same way as a person controls a complex machine. He is able to control his conscious thinking abilities and direct their work to the greatest benefit, he also knows how to give orders to the subconscious area of his mind and makes him work during sleep or at a time when his conscious mind is directed to another matter. It is very important to strive to free your mind from slavish submission and try to subordinate it through the will to the control of the higher "Self”. We are trying for readers to learn in-depth their essence and not just master this theory, but effectively experience everything that we are talking about.


Have patience and persistence. The task is really difficult, but the reward is great. In order to realize the greatness, power and immensity of our true being, it is worth giving many years of work. Next, let us talk about the relationship of the human “I” to the world “I”. Peace be with you!


"I" is a being. My mind is only a tool for my expression.

“I” exist independently of my mind; my being is not independent of him.

“I am" the master of my mind, not its slave.


“I" can step aside from my feelings, emotions, passions, desires, mental abilities, and from the totality of my mental instruments, because all this is not “I”. But besides them, there is something else, and this something is “I”, something from which I cannot move away and which I cannot leave from myself, because it is I myself, my only “I”, my true “Self '. What remains after all that can be thrown back  - is thrown away is the real “I” - I myself, eternal, constant, unchanging.



“I” am (exist) - so spoke the Caucasian sages.

To be continued…




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